Photo Credits & Awards

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2015- Visions Exhibition, Fitchburg State University

2015- Student Exhibition, Photographic Resource Center, Boston MA

2014- Crafting a Collection, Fuller Craft Museum Recent Acquisitions Catalogue, December

2014- Fiber Art Now Magazine: Game Changers, Fall Issue

2014- Be In Touch, Fuller Craft Museum Magazine, Fall Issue

2014- Game Changers: Fiber Art Masters and Innovators, Fuller Craft Museum Brochure, July

2014- Be In Touch, Fuller Craft Museum Magazine, Summer Issue

2014- Be In Touch, Fuller Craft Museum Magazine, Winter/Spring Issue

2014- Visions Exhibition, Fitchburg State University

2014- Made in Massachusetts: Studio Furniture of the Bay State, Fuller Craft Museum Catalogue

2013- Across The Grain: Turned and Carved Wood, Fuller Craft Museum Catalogue

2013- Boston Sunday Globe, July 28th Issue

2013- Boston Sunday Globe, June 30th Issue

2013- Artscope Magazine: Chinese Art At Brattleboro, May/June Issue

2013- Art New England: Special Museum Issue, May/June Issue

2013- Artscope Magazine: 7th Anniversary, March/April Issue

2013- Dark Garden, Fuller Craft Museum- Linda Huey Exhibition, Brochure

2013- Whitman-Hanson Express, December 12th Issue

2013- Boston Globe, November 5th Issue

2013- Antiques & Fine Art Magazine, Autumn/Winter Issue

2013- Be In Touch, Fuller Craft Museum Magazine, Fall Issue

2013- Visions Exhibition, Fitchburg State University

2012- Whitman-Hanson Express, August 16th Issue

2012- Whitman-Hanson Express, July 26th Issue

2012- Whitman-Hanson Express, July 12th Issue

2012- Whitman-Hanson Express, June 28th Issue

2012- Whitman-Hanson Express, June 21st Issue

2012- Abington Tricentennial Commemorative Book: Celebrating Three Hundred Years, May 25th

2012- The Brockton Area Workforce Investment Board’s Future Entrepreneurs Series

Youth Business Plan Competition, 1st Place Winner, June 12th

2012- Boston Globe Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: Gold Key- Photography

2011- Boston Globe Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: Gold Key- Photography

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